


Ladies and gentlemen, gather ’round for today’s edition of Rush Limbo, where the absurdity of the left is as plentiful as their tax proposals! Did you catch the Biden-Trump showdown? Oh, what a spectacle! Biden, the man with the eloquence of a malfunctioning GPS, tried to navigate the debate stage, only to get lost in his own sentences. Watching him is like watching a cat chase its tail – you know it’s not going to…

Greetings, patriots! It’s your friend, Rush Limbo, here to shed some light on the latest circus act from the left. You know, those folks who never miss a chance to remind us that “our democracy” is in peril. Well, today, we’re diving into their newest trick—turning democracy into a tyranny of the majority. Image by Marcin Paśnicki from Pixabay Now, I know what you’re thinking: “Rush, isn’t democracy supposed to be the voice of the…

Ladies and gentlemen, gather ’round for today’s episode of “What Could Possibly Go Wrong Next?” Now, brace yourselves, because this one takes the biscuit—or should I say, the dog treat? Image by Vilve Roosioks from Pixabay Our very own President Biden was caught in a real-life episode of “When Animals Attack,” starring none other than his German Shepherd, Commander. Yes, you heard that right, folks. Commander, the presidential pooch, decided to add “secret service agent”…

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to another thrilling installment of “Rush Limbo’s Limbo Edition,” where we dive into the absurdities of the left with a sprinkle of humor and a dash of common sense. Today, we’re treated to a real doozy from The Atlantic. The article, with all the melodrama of a soap opera, bemoans how corporate middlemen are gorging themselves on the funds meant for poverty programs. Cue the dramatic violins! Image by Alexander…

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the latest episode of “Let’s Weaponize the Legal System,” brought to you by the Democrats. Yes, you heard that right. Our friends on the left, in their never-ending quest to unseat Donald Trump, have once again dipped into their bag of tricks. The former President now faces 54 criminal charges, ranging from hush money in New York to election interference in Georgia. And let me tell you, this is nothing…

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to a special Memorial Day edition of “The Limbo Edition” with your host, Rush Limbo. Today, we pause from our usual political skirmishes to honor a day steeped in profound meaning, a day that deserves our heartfelt respect and solemn reflection. Memorial Day isn’t just another holiday; it’s a poignant reminder of the cost of freedom and the valor of those who paid its highest price. Image by shawn1 from Pixabay…

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another enlightening episode of “The Limbo Edition,” where we dive into the absurdities of the day with a healthy dose of common sense. Now, let’s talk about the latest green dream gone wrong. You won’t believe this one: Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations are now the hot new targets for copper thieves! Yes, you heard that right. Our green warriors’ prized EV chargers are being picked apart by those sneaky…

In a turn that can only be described as sudden enough to give whiplash, Joe Biden has declared his eagerness to jump into the debate ring with Donald Trump. My friends, when something smells this fishy, you better believe it’s not just the sushi at the DNC fundraiser. Image by Jim Cramer from Pixabay https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HiWpUfSNhsw Here we are, witnessing a man who, until recently, seemed more comfortable discussing his favorite ice cream flavors than tackling…

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another episode of “The Limbo Edition” with your humble host, Rush Limbo. Buckle up, folks, because the circus on Capitol Hill just added a new act, and it’s juicier than a soap opera on steroids. Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYPSeHSDY0I In today’s episode of “As the Swamp Turns,” we have the flamboyant Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, also known as AOC, squaring off against the formidable Marjorie Taylor Greene, affectionately called…

Folks, let me tell you, the Biden campaign has cooked up a new strategy that’s as revolutionary as sliced bread! They’ve decided to keep the President’s speeches shorter. Yes, you heard that right, shorter. Because, apparently, quality over quantity is the new mantra in the White House. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91zVnxEQHM8 Now, let’s break this down. What they’re essentially saying is, “Our guy is so good, he doesn’t need to say much!” The Democrats believe that a few…