Ladies and gentlemen, gather ’round for today’s episode of “What Could Possibly Go Wrong Next?” Now, brace yourselves, because this one takes the biscuit—or should I say, the dog treat?

Image by Vilve Roosioks from Pixabay

Our very own President Biden was caught in a real-life episode of “When Animals Attack,” starring none other than his German Shepherd, Commander. Yes, you heard that right, folks. Commander, the presidential pooch, decided to add “secret service agent” to his list of chew toys.

Now, I’m no dog whisperer, but maybe Commander has been listening to too many of Biden’s speeches and just couldn’t take it anymore. Or perhaps he was simply acting out the frustration of millions of Americans in his own canine way. Either way, it’s clear that even the dog is tired of the left’s dog-and-pony show.

You have to wonder, though, where is the accountability? If this were a conservative president, you can bet the media would be having a field day. Imagine the outrage if it were Trump’s dog! The left would be howling louder than a pack of coyotes at a full moon.

And speaking of the media, isn’t it interesting how they downplay these little mishaps? Just a “minor incident,” they say. But let’s not kid ourselves. This isn’t just a one-off nip. Commander has reportedly had a few too many bites at the apple, if you catch my drift. Maybe it’s time for some obedience classes—or better yet, maybe it’s time for some leadership that doesn’t leave everyone, including the dog, feeling a bit… disobedient.

But, fear not, dear listeners. Just like we handle our political bites, we’ll keep on chewing through the nonsense and barking up the right tree. Stay tuned for more biting commentary here on the Rush Limbo Show. And remember, don’t let the left’s antics leave you feeling like you’ve been bitten by a German Shepherd—stay informed, stay sharp, and stay conservative.

Woof. Woof.

Bite-Gate: Biden's German Shepherd Goes Rogue Again Share on X

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