Ladies and gentlemen, gather ’round for today’s edition of Rush Limbo, where the absurdity of the left is as plentiful as their tax proposals! Did you catch the Biden-Trump showdown? Oh, what a spectacle! Biden, the man with the eloquence of a malfunctioning GPS, tried to navigate the debate stage, only to get lost in his own sentences. Watching him is like watching a cat chase its tail – you know it’s not going to catch it, but it’s entertaining, nonetheless.

And then there was Trump, the maestro of the mic, returning to the stage with the flair of a rock star on a comeback tour. While Biden was busy trying to remember which state he was in, Trump was out there reminding America why he’s the main event. The contrast was stark: one man who could negotiate peace deals and another who couldn’t negotiate his way out of a paper bag.

The left, bless their hearts, are still trying to figure out how to spin this one. They’re like a dog with a bone, gnawing on narratives that even their most loyal followers are starting to see through. But don’t worry, folks, they’ll find a way to blame this on climate change or, better yet, the Russians.

They’re scrambling to find a new champion, someone who can string together a coherent sentence without a teleprompter. It’s like watching a game of musical chairs, but with a lot more desperation. The left knows their policies are as popular as a skunk at a garden party, and Biden’s approval ratings are sinking faster than the Titanic.

But let’s be honest, folks. Even if Biden steps down, who do they have waiting in the wings? Kamala? Newsom? They’re like a bad sequel to an already terrible movie. Meanwhile, Trump is ready to swoop in and save the day like a political superhero.

Stay tuned, America. The circus is in town, and the clowns are in full costume. Until next time, this is Rush Limbo, signing off.

The Great Debate: Biden's Verbal Gymnastics and Trump’s Grand Return Share on X

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