Folks, let me tell you, the Biden campaign has cooked up a new strategy that’s as revolutionary as sliced bread! They’ve decided to keep the President’s speeches shorter. Yes, you heard that right, shorter. Because, apparently, quality over quantity is the new mantra in the White House.

Now, let’s break this down. What they’re essentially saying is, “Our guy is so good, he doesn’t need to say much!” The Democrats believe that a few carefully chosen words from Biden can do what hours of oratory from others can’t. Or maybe, just maybe, they think fewer words mean fewer gaffes. You know, cut down on the chances for good ol’ Joe to go off-script and start reminiscing about the time he fought Corn Pop or invented the internet with Al Gore.

But here’s the kicker, folks: when you have to start measuring your President’s speeches with a stopwatch, it’s probably not because he’s the next Cicero. It’s more likely because the teleprompter can only take so much abuse.

And let’s be honest, who needs long speeches when you can sum up everything in a quick, memorable snippet like, “Come on, man!”? The left is banking on the idea that brevity is the soul of wit, and they’ve got their fingers crossed that the American people won’t notice the silence between the lines.

So, here’s to hoping that shorter speeches mean better governance. Because if not, the Democrats might have to find a new slogan for 2024. Less is obviously more in their world. Keep the fires of liberty burning bright my friends. Have a great day!

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