Ladies and gentlemen, patriots of this great nation, it’s your favorite truth-teller, Rush Limbo, here to bring you a dose of reality wrapped in the sweet spirit of 1776! As we celebrate this July 4th, let’s take a moment to reflect on the true essence of our Independence Day.

Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay

Now, I know the left loves to paint the Founding Fathers as a bunch of out-of-touch relics, but let’s get real. These were the original rebels, folks! They didn’t bow down to the whims of a tyrannical government. No, they stood up, quills in hand, and wrote their destiny with the ink of freedom. Can you imagine what they’d say about today’s political climate?

Picture this: George Washington scrolling through Twitter, sipping his morning coffee, and seeing the latest woke hashtag. “Fake news!” he’d probably chuckle, “Pass me the Constitution, we need to remind these folks what liberty really means.”

But alas, the left wants to rewrite history faster than you can say “1776.” They cry for safe spaces and cancel culture while forgetting the very freedoms that allow them to do so were forged in the fires of revolution. The Founders didn’t just give us a country; they gave us a spirit of resilience and defiance. And let me tell you, that spirit is alive and well, despite the best efforts of the naysayers.

So today, as you fire up the grill, watch the fireworks, and bask in the glow of patriotism, remember this: the spirit of 1776 is in every American heart that beats for freedom. It’s in the farmer tending his crops, the soldier standing guard, and yes, even in you, the everyday hero who refuses to be silenced.

Let’s raise our glasses and toast to the freedom that makes this nation the greatest on earth. Happy Independence Day, America! And to the left, who might be clutching their pearls right now, I say this with all the love in my heart: lighten up! It’s a celebration, not a seminar.

This is Rush Limbo, signing off, reminding you to keep the faith and keep the spirit of 1776 alive. Happy July 4th, everyone!

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